When you log into Google Analytics, do you see weird referral sites like “floating-share-buttons.com” or “webmonetizer.net” or “Semalt” sending you traffic?

These are NOT legitimate people visiting your site – they are referral spam or spam bots – they clog up your analytics with bad data, and they increase your bounce rate.

In this video, I’ll show you how to filter them out so you can see your true traffic stats.

Below are sample bits of code that you will enter into the Filter and Segment fields.   It is very likely that the spammy domains that are showing in your Google Analytics account are not all listed below.

We’re dealing with spammers and they will use a domain until it starts to get widely blocked, and then they’ll move on to another one – so this is something that may need to be updated on a somewhat regular basis.   The sample provided below are the filters used for domains that are being used for referral spamming as of the date that this video was recorded.

If you need to add additional domains to your filters – you simply add each domain with a pipet (|) separating them (no other spacing needed).

  1. .*((darodar|priceg|buttons\-for(\-your)?\-website|o\-o\-6\-o\-o|(social|(simple|free|floating)\-share)\-buttons)\.com|econom\.co|ilovevitaly(\.co(m)?)|(ilovevitaly(\.ru))|makemoneyonline|blackhatworth|hulfingtonpost|(humanorightswatch|guardlink)\.org).*
  2. .*((best(websitesawards|\-seo\-(solution|offer))|Get\-Free\-Traffic\-Now|googlsucks|theguardlan|webmaster\-traffic)\.com|(domination|torture)\.ml|((rapidgator\-)?(general)?porn(hub(\-)?forum)?|4webmasters)\.(ga|tk|org|uni)|(buy\-cheap\-online)\.info).*
  3. .*((event\-tracking|semalt(media)?|100dollars\-seo)\.com|trafficmonetize\.org|event-tracking.com|web-monetizer.net|success-seo.com|videos-for-your-business).*


Any others that you need to add would look like:   domain1.com|domain2.com|domain3.com|domain4.com



How To Filter Out Referral Spam In Google Analytics



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