April 21st 2015.

D-DAY for old school websites who are clinging to their desktop layouts, for old sites that have failed to respond with responsive design.

Is your site going down with the old school relics?

If your site is not already mobile friendly, it may seem like a daunting task to create a mobile friendly version of your site.  But let me tell you, there are more reasons to do it, than just to appease the Google Gods who will be laying down the law on April 21st.   (If you aren’t familiar with what I’m referring to, you can read about it by clicking here.

So, here are the top 5 reasons for you to invest the time/money/effort into making your blog mobile friendly:

1.  The Google Gods command it – if you care at all about your rankings on the (currently) #1 search engine, and the natural traffic you get from that site – you must make this a priority.  After April 21st, the liklihood of your non-responsive website ranking well on Google is about as likely, as seeing the pope in a speedo.

2.  Currently, mobile phones are responsible for 3 out of 5 searches online.   Think about that, thats CRAZY.   No one could have ever predicted that a mere 10 years ago, but thing are only moving further in that direction.   You could be losing 60% or more leads by failing to optimize your site for mobile friendly users.

3.  If you run any type of local service or business – consider this – over 60% of local searches made via mobile devices result in a phone call made to a business within 30 minutes or less of that search.   Are you missing out on those potential clients?

4.  Responsive websites deliver better user experience – and user experience is what keeps people coming back, keeps people opting into your lists, and its what keeps people recommending your content.   UX is the way of the future, and if you aren’t optimizing for users on all platforms, you will be left behind.

5.  Setting up a mobile friendly website is simple and inexpensive!   Check the video above for 2 simple and free methods you can use to make your site mobile friendly.  They are quick fixes and will get the majority of sites in compliance for the 4/21/15 deadline – but if you have a more highly customized or plugin heavy site – simple switch solutions such as those may not work.  We offer inexpensive web design options for businesses looking to implement a permanent responsive design.   Contact us today for a free quote, and mention this article for 21% savings off of a responsive design package!



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