Exclusive Bonus: Click for FREE Access To The 14 Day Blog Income Challenge! <rant> Friends, we need to have a chat. For all of the bloggers out there who spend hours and hours working to improve your Alexa ranking, who join “Alexa blog shares” where...
If you’ve blogged for long enough, you probably have experienced the exhilaration when a blog post goes viral. Often times it is totally unexpected and as you see the traffic numbers start to tick upward and upward your excitement is met with a sense of...
If you wake up one day and go to check your website and discover that its not loading – don’t panic! 8 times out of 10, a “down” site is entirely a local issue that is only happening to you. Things that can cause your site to appear down to...
When you log into Google Analytics, do you see weird referral sites like “floating-share-buttons.com” or “webmonetizer.net” or “Semalt” sending you traffic? These are NOT legitimate people visiting your site – they are...